Friday, February 20, 2009

Who's Buying American Plastic Bricks & What Are They Building With Them?

I still have my American Plastic Bricks from childhood.  A few years ago, when I started teaching architecture at the college level, I decided to put my old APB building sets out where my students could play with them in their spare time and hopefully develop their 2D to 3D visualization skills. I soon realized I needed more bricks and was pleased to find them available on Ebay. I wasn't surprised at the many sets that were for sale. I knew how popular the toys once were and how long they were on the market. What surprised me was the high prices that buyers were occasionally willing to pay.

I've started this blog because I suspect that there are a lot of architects, frustrated architects, and eternal children out there who are from my generation and who are starting to reach retirement age. I suspect it is you that I'm bidding against on Ebay. That like me, you are buying your favorite toy from childhood and building things. I'm curious to see what you are building and I'd like this blog to be a place where we can share pictures of our creations.  Please send your pictures to: 

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